
this is a web text editor designed for the security and privacy of your writing wherever you go, as a response to the notoriously prevalent surveillance in our society today.

there are some basic real-time cryptography features, and none of your work is stored on the site or sent anywhere else. very soon you'll be able to export your text as PDF files.

press the 'secure' button on the homepage to hide your writing with word scrambling, then click 'normal' to turn it back. or just tap the 'CTRL' button on your keyboard to quickly turn word scrambling on / off. press the 'h' button to hide your work, and press 'normal again' to unhide.

you can also protect your work with ciphers you enter. this cryptography is still fairly unsecure, and a few specific ciphers do not work, so test your cipher first if you want to save something to decode later! there's no limit to what characters your cipher can be, or how many you choose, so make it a unique one. the 'e' button is for encoding, 'd' is for decoding.

whenever you come back to this site, you can use the same cipher to decode previously encrypted texts. enter the cipher, the message, and hit 'decode a text', although again, some ciphers do not work with the code, so test yours.

you can auto-encrypt your text randomly on and off too, based on the collisions of the oscillating balls. soon more security features and text editing features will be added.